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Youth Ministry

Ministry is not about helping these kids
be better Christians;

it is about helping them be what God
created them to be-human.

- Andrew Root

  • YEW (Youth Engage in Worship)

    6th-12 Grade
    Worship at 10 am with Lunch
    out with the Youth Pastor after

    Youth take on roles in the worship service (assisting communion, welcoming, tech booth), sit together during worship (if they want) and then have lunch with the youth pastor following service.

  • YC² (Youth Connect/Confirmation)

    Junior High (Grades 6-8)
    Confirmation: 5:30 - 7:00pm
    A place for youth to journey towards confirming their baptism.

    Senior High (Grades 9-12)
    Connexion: 6:30 - 8:00pm
    A place where youth continue to build community as they continue their journey towards an adult faith formation (and have fun, too!)

  • YES (Youth Engage in Service)

    6th-12th Grade

    Youth in grades 6th-12th will have the opportunity to participate in various service projects. Always looking for suggestions on project ideas

Advent Youth

May 2024

  • May 4th - Noah's Gaga Pit Project!

    From Noah ... "

    Hey Advent Youth! I would love your help at my eagle project on May 4th in the back yard of Advent. Please RSVP if you can make it. The Event address is on the form. I am building a Gaga ball pit, like the game at camp. I need about 12-15 volunteers with the youth and my scout troop. (Adult volunteers are welcome too!) It will be about a 5 hour project, We will provide snacks and drinks for breaks. Thank you all!

  • May 5th - FINAL YEW - Youth Engaged in Worship and Pies with a Purpose.

  • May 19 - The Last Hurrah at Grand Slam, Burnsville

    Let's go out with a bang! We will meet at Grand Slam at 5:30 pm on May 19. I am going for the "Party Package" which should include Pizza and a drinks and all amusements (except the trampoline! You want that, you can pay extra!)

    The price is $20 and youth can be picked up at 7:00.

    And parents, if you want to stick around for this, that's okay too!

    Whew! That's the plan as it stands now. It has been a really great year with these youth and I want to thank you for allowing us to accompany them on their journeys!