Capital Campaign
Breaking New Ground
Capital Campaign
Project List
In fall of 2023, Jeffrey B. Larson agreed to lead a team to review Advent UMC’s current facility needs and readiness for future use. In February of 2024, that committee was formed. The committee includes: Jeffrey B. Larson, Adam Maurer, Tom Adams, Lantz Wagner, Jim Hildebrand, Ted Yoch, Donna Kenny, Jen Simonds, Beth Burnett and Ron Rockvoy. This is a phenomenal group of people with talent, dedication and valued input. Several meetings have ensued through the spring and summer along with two town hall meetings to receive congregational input of wants and needs. From this, the committee was about to identify basic refurbish and remodeling needs and priorities. Because of your generous giving to the annual budget and the fiscal responsibility of the finance and leadership teams, we have some dedicated funds to use for the refurbish projects. With your continued support for the church budget at the same level over the next three years, we will be able to continue to meet the identified refurbish needs. The priorities, as identified through the town hall meetings, are the same for both refurbish and remodeling projects. They are:
Area 1 – Worship Space
Area 2 – Classrooms/Meeting Spaces
Area 3 – Wesley Hall
Area 4 – Church Offices, Main Entry and Narthex
TBD – Restrooms and Kitchen
Refurbish Needs
Worship Space
Refinish pews, install new carpet and restore polished concrete, re-lamp existing lighting and update existing AV equipment.
Total cost: $115,000
Classrooms/Meeting Space
No refurbish needs – All new only.
Wesley Hall
New flooring, paint, improve AV speakers and placement of recording equipment.
Total cost: $60,000
Church Offices, Entry and Narthex
New flooring, paint, re-lamp, replace ceiling tiles.
Total cost: $100,000
Remodeling Needs
Worship Space
Altar area flooring, install permanent wall behind choir, paint, speakers, additional movable streaming equipment and lighting.
Total cost: $115,000
Classrooms/Meeting Space
Create two classrooms (area 1) other meeting room, classroom storage (area 4), all necessary construction work, painting and new flooring.
Total cost: $175,000
Wesley Hall
Phase 1 – Create storage room (see Area 4), new lighting, add AV equipment.
Total cost: $75,00
Phase 2 – Open north wall with doors, window and exterior patio.
Total cost: $200,000
Church Offices, Entry and Narthex
(Narthex only) – New ceiling tiles, new lighting, interactive AV screens, walk off mats.
Total cost: $60,000
NOTE: Cost estimates include architectural, permitting and actual work.
Total cost of needs list from above:
Refurbish $275,000
Remodel $625,000
Total: $900,00