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Caring Ministry
…to provide love and support to people who find themselves in need of help.
As part of our mission to Connect, Grow and Serve, Advent United Methodist Church has developed a Caring Visit Ministry. This ministry is made up of trained volunteers from the church who assist the pastors in providing care for all who come through our doors.
The purpose of these Caring Visits is to support one another in our spiritual and emotional wellness needs via a visit to homes, hospital rooms, extended care facilities or a local coffee shop.
Examples of some of the reasons for a Caring Visit might be:
You’ve experienced the birth or adoption of a child.
You’re a guest and would like more information.
You would like someone to talk with someone about a health or spiritual concern.
You’ve experienced the death of a loved one.
You or someone close to you is admitted to a hospital or extended care facility.
You would like someone to stop by for shared conversation.
Our Caring Visit volunteers routinely communicate with Advent Church pastors in a confidential manner. These volunteers have agreed to abide by a Confidentiality Agreement. Each volunteer has completed an extensive process before assuming this role.
We take caring for you seriously!
Our Caring Visitors are ready for a casual conversation, to pray and read the Bible with you, and more. You tell us what need you have, and we will send a Caring Visitor to connect with you - first via phone or email (again, you choose how you wish to be connected) before a visit takes place.
If you would like a Caring Visit, contact us via any of the following:
Fill out a green “Prayer and Care” card during prayer time at worship. Additional cards are also located in the Prayer Room located near Connection Point.
Rev. Eric Elkin, Lead Pastor: Phone 651.454.3944 x11 or eric@advent-umc.com
or Email care@advent-umc.com