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Welcome should be more than an expression you hear when entering the building. It should be more than a slogan of a congregational marketing campaign. Welcome should define the atmosphere one experiences when entering a community.
Advent UMC
Advent is a congregation of the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. However, our worship community comes from a wide variety of backgrounds. What holds us together is a shared view of Mission. We embrace the Mission of the UMC:
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
A mission like this one means, even though worship is central to our life, we believe that worship should lead us to acts of love outside the four walls of the sanctuary. We believe that when we encounter our neighbor we meet Jesus. And when we meet Jesus lives are changed. For this reason, we also embrace the Vision of the UMC:
Grow in Love of God and Neighbor (Mt. 22:37-40)
Reach New People (Mt 28: 19-20)
Heal A Broken World (Lk 4: 16-21)

Core Values
Connect — Grow — Serve
CONNECT: Disciples are made through connection. In worship, we start building an authentic connection by connecting our hearts to God. Through this community experience, we also begin to explore an authentic connection to our neighbors. Worship at Advent is open and inclusive for all hungering for connection.
GROW: Disciples begin to transform the world when they themselves have been transformed. Therefore, we invite every person to grow into a passionate spiritual life. One grows through intentional soul work. They listen for where God’s Spirit is leading them.
SERVE: Disciples are led by the Spirit to move out into the world. They are not content sitting passively in a building. Advent is a servant-minded congregation. We serve through our time, talent, and treasures to transform the world with God’s love.
Authentic Connection
Soul Work
Servant Minded
Spirit Led