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Marriage in the United Methodist Church is not a sacrament. Technically speaking, marriage is an institution of the state. Therefore, one does not need to have a ceremony inside the church or have a pastor perform the service to be married in the state’s eyes.
However, couples who decide to use the church and/or enlist the services of a pastor intentionally frame their marriage as something sacred. They are inviting God into their life together. These couples ask God to bless, strengthen and sustain them as they grow together through their marriage vows.
Whether you choose to be married at Advent or invite one of our pastors to officiate we ask you to be intentional in your marriage preparation. First, a pastor will meet with you to get to know you and your expectations. Second, we ask couples to take a marriage inventory. The inventory helps the couple take a look at their relationship and is a vehicle for further discussion.
To schedule a wedding contact the church office.